The reason many Christians will refer to the Spirit of God
(the Holy Spirit) as the Holy Ghost is because the King James Version uses the
words Spirit and Ghost interchangeably. In all the major events of the Spirit
of God coming upon believers (John 14:26; Acts 2:4; Acts 2:38; Acts 10:44; and
Acts 19:6) the KJV says "the Holy Ghost" came upon the believers.
"Spirit" and "Ghost" are renderings of the same Greek word
"Pneuma" which means breath or wind. The advantage of the rendering
"Spirit" is that it can always be used, whereas "Ghost"
always requires the word "Holy" prefixed (Vines Dictionary). 90 some
times the KJV says "Holy Ghost". I have known Christians in certain
denominations, where they are not acquainted with the KJV, that are totally
creeped out by referring to the Spirit as the Holy Ghost. I think I have seen
them shudder!!! But historically "Ghost" was used for
"Spirit" because of theological reasons. The Person of the Holy
Spirit (Ghost) comes into the world. The invisible Spirit is a Person. Anyway,
in Old English "Ghost' was a synonym for "Spirit", and was
actually the only meaning of it. I hope this may help.