Monday, November 26, 2018


We are living in "perilous times" as St Paul prophesied about the "last days"(2 Tim 3:1-5). The love of many would grow cold, and people would become "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God". These descriptions of the "last days" parallel the "apostasy" St Paul foretold would come shortly before "the day of Christ", "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto Him".(2 Thes 2:1-3). It appears that we could be that very generation that sees the coming of the Son of Man in the heavens. If that be the case, we will first see the "falling away", the "apostasia", the "departure from the faith"(1 Tim 4:1) and that man of sin, the son of perdition, the Antichrist be revealed.

What is needed in these perilous times is a knowledge of the "true faith" that leads to a personal, Spirit-filled, relationship with Jesus Christ and communion with His Holy Church, which is His Body(Eph. 1:19-23). Orthodoxy means "true faith and true praise". But even within "Orthodoxy" there are wolves at work leading the faithful to the left and to the right. May God help us to remain on "THE ROYAL PATH", and not fall into the ditch of compromise on either side of the Narrow Path. This is what is meant by "True" Orthodoxy. You could say "True Truth". This will take great desire, great humility, great obedience and sacrifice. It will take radical actions, serious renunciation of the world, once and for all. It will take detachment from the things of this world with "NO Compromise". It will take a complete comittment to living in exile as pilgrims and strangers on the earth, no longer living for the beggarly elements offered here.

Begin to sever yourself from your sins, make repentance and confession a daily practice. No, make repentance a moment-by-moment practice. We must make drastic changes in our superficial and worldly lifestyles. Ask yourself, "What are the things that cause me to be slack in my walk with Christ?". "What idols do I cling to and refuse to smash?". "What magical arts and dark books are in my house that I should burn in a fire?"(Acts 19:13-20). Jesus calls us to "lose our lives for His sake"(Mt.16:25). Jesus calls us to "forsake all" and "follow Him" and if necessary, "sell everything you own and give to the poor"(Mk. 10:21). This kind of thinking, this "Jesus-kind" of thinking, this heavenly kingdom living must become our "Way".

So, my friends in Jesus, let us "set our affection on things above, not on the things on the earth. For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in glory. MORTIFY THEREFORE your members which are upon the earth..."(Col. 3:1-6). Turn your back on the watered-down false gospels that plague popular culture. Seek the "pearl of great price". Dig for it like your life depends on it because it does.

Let us discover "true Orthodoxy", and live "true Orthodoxy", in this "age of apostasy". Dear brothers and sisters, "It is later than you think"(Blessed Seraphim Rose).

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